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Look For Our Great Specials for SCSU Clients!
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This SCSU Zoom BSA/AML/CTF/BOR Seminar is April 9th, 10th & 11th 2025 from 10:00am to 4:00pm CDT!
The date is approaching and we’re making preparations. Don’t miss out!
RESCHEDULED FOR April 9-12 2025!
Video & Manual included in fee
Video & Manual included in fee
Video & Manual included in fee
Convenient online pay for 4 attendees.
DownloadIt absolutely breaks my heart when folks aren't prepared for Compliance and Audits because they've been mislead into doing less than the best they can do. But here we are.
“Lake Elsinore operated for years without the most basic AML controls, putting its customers and the U.S. financial system at risk and denying law enforcement information on suspicious activity,” said FinCEN’s Director Andrea Gacki. “This action should serve as a reminder that all financial institutions—regardless of their type or size—must comply with their obligations under the BSA and FinCEN’s regulations.” 2025 will bring more reactive audits and penalties than in the past.
According to the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA) regulations, a casino's training program must include detailed information on identifying suspicious activity, customer due diligence (CDD), proper reporting procedures for suspicious transactions (SARs), internal controls to prevent money laundering, and the legal implications of non-compliance, all presented in a format accessible to employees at various levels within the casino operation; this information can typically be found in a dedicated document outlining the casino's specific AML/BSA compliance program.
Key elements of a casino BSA/AML training program:
Introduction to BSA/AML via Explanation of the Bank Secrecy Act, its purpose, and the legal requirements for casinos to comply.
Casino-specific risks:
Identification of high-risk areas within the casino operations, such as large cash transactions, chip purchases, and unusual betting patterns.
As of 2024 Customer due diligence (CDD) took the place of EDD (enhanced due diligence):
Procedures for verifying customer identity, including document checks, and understanding the nature and source of funds.
Suspicious activity reporting (SAR):
Detailed guidelines on what constitutes suspicious activity and how to properly file a SAR with the appropriate regulatory agency.
Internal controls:
Explanation of the casino's internal controls designed to detect and prevent money laundering, including monitoring systems and transaction review processes.
Employee responsibilities unique to their duties:
Clear outline of each employee's role in AMLA/BSA compliance, including reporting obligations.
Compliance officer responsibilities:
Description of the compliance officer's role in overseeing the AMLA/BSA program, conducting training, and reporting to management.
Testing and auditing:
Information regarding periodic testing and audits of the AML program to ensure its effectiveness. Per FinCEN & FFIEC.
BSA/AML/CTF/BOR Seminar is April 9th - 11th, 2025 from 10:00am to 4:00pm CDT!
April 2020 Examiners Manuals & Appendices
“Barron, we had never been to one of your seminars…we won’t miss one ever again. We will use 100% of this information”
"We learned more in 60 Minutes with you guys than we did at the 2 Day seminar the other people put on"
"Thank you for being so clear and providing sources!"
“In a crazy time, thank you for making us feel optimistic”
"Your seminars ALWAYS excite us!"!
"Eye opening, thought provoking ...a REAL Wake-Up call!"
We have always said "It isn't JUST Title 31"...They argued, derided and told our clients we were "wrong"...Here is directly from the Federal Register as of 2021:
The legislative framework generally referred to as the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) consists of the Currency and Financial Transactions Reporting Act of 1970, as amended by the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (USA PATRIOT Act) (Pub. L. 107-56) and other legislation. The BSA is codified at 12 U.S.C. 1829b, 12 U.S.C. 1951-1959, 31 U.S.C. 5311-5314 and 5316-5332, and notes thereto, with implementing regulations at 31 CFR Chapter X.
"For purposes of the estimate of the AML program traditional annual PRA burden, FinCEN has made the following assumptions:
(a) The written AML program is stored as an electronic file. The estimated annual burden (5 minutes per Start Printed Page 83678financial institution) represents the administrative burden involved in processing the storage of the written program, and not just the time of actual electronic storage, which would be nearly instantaneous.
(b) Producing the written AML program electronically to regulatory or law enforcement agencies, upon their request. FinCEN estimates the annual burden of producing the written program at 5 minutes per financial institution. The estimated annual burden represents the administrative burden involved in producing the program upon request, and not just the time required to make the program available to the requestor for inspection (for example, the actual electronic transmission), which would be nearly instantaneous."
So much that we have been saying and other firms have disagreed with is now being spelled out! The following is from the 2020 AML Law and Department of Treasury Examiner's Manuals:
We have been saying the Examiners will create a Risk Assessment if you don't have one:
"If the Financial Institution has not developed a BSA/AML risk assessment, or it is not adequate, examiners must develop one."
We have been saying that your Independent Review had to include Control Deficiencies and Compliance. According to the most recent manual, the Independent Review MUST:
"Determine whether independent testing addresses the overall adequacy of the BSA/AML compliance program, including policies, procedures, and processes. Typically, the report includes an explicit statement about the Financial Institution’s overall compliance with BSA regulatory requirements. At a minimum, the independent testing should contain sufficient information for the reviewer to reach a conclusion about the overall adequacy of the BSA/AML compliance program." Except that CPA firms and Consultants (NOT SCSU) include a non-performance clause in their engagement letters: “This engagement is not designed to provide assurance on internal controls or to identify reportable conditions, that is, significant deficiencies or material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control. Accordingly, we have no responsibility to identify and communicate significant deficiencies or material weaknesses in your internal controls as part of this engagement, and our engagement cannot be relied upon to disclose the same. “ – that statement is in every single Letter of Engagement we have audited.
The list goes on and on, quite honestly...let us educate you about the entire set of Standards, Guidance & Best Practices the other firms prefer to ignore and mislead you about!
Just the facts (pdf)
DownloadIf we don't show you how "Title 31" is only a small part of the BSA/AML; if we don't demonstrate what a BSA/AML Examination entails (even behind the scenes with the examiners); if we don't illuminate the lie behind the CPA Letter of will be refunded your registration fee. That's it. That's our guarantee. And we give you all this - and more - with full documentation.